Coplin Health Systems provides access to preventative and quality primary care services, regardless of one’s ability to pay.
We believe in making healthcare accessible and affordable for everyone. Therefore, we gladly accept all West Virginia-based insurances at all locations. Please note; if you are at Parkersburg Family Care, River Valley Family Care, or Southern Local Schools Wellness Center, we also accept Ohio Medicaid.
We accept all West Virginia-based insurances at all locations and Ohio Medicaid at Parkersburg, River Valley, and Southern Local Schools Wellness Center.
Coplin Health Systems has a discounted/sliding fee schedule available for patients who are underinsured or do not have insurance. No one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay.
We participate in most insurance networks including Medicare and West Virginia Medicaid.
Sliding scale programs are available for uninsured patients.
Marketplace Enrollment
Coplin Health System offers free assistance at all locations with the Insurance Open Enrollment process. If you need to enroll, re-enroll, or change insurance plans set up an appointment with one of our Marketplace Enrollment Specialists listed below. Medicaid eligibility and enrollment can also be processed at any of our West Virginia facilities.
Call our Marketplace Enrollment Specialists for Assistance
- Jackson County – Tabitha Hudnall, 304-372-1033
- Wirt & Wood Counties – Crystal Hudkins, 304-275-3301
Pharmacy Access
If your primary care provider is at a Coplin Health Systems site, you can take advantage of our convenient, on-site, low-cost pharmacy services. Our pharmacy accepts all major insurances, including Medicare Part D and Medicaid.
COVID-19 Laboratory Fee Disclosure Statement
In compliance with Section 3202(b) of the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, & Economic Security Act), Coplin Health Systems provides the following information regarding prices for COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) diagnostic testing.
Coplin Health Systems provides laboratory services, that includes testing for COVID-19, through collaborative agreements with LabCorp, Mako Labs and the WV Dept of Health & Human Resources Office of Laboratory Services. Billing for COVID-19 specific diagnostic tests will be billed to patient’s insurance by the laboratory utilized to complete the testing.
No patient is denied COVID-19 testing or care due to an inability to pay. In addition, Section 6001 (a)(1) of the FFCRA (Families First Coronavirus Response Act) requires insurance plans and issuers to provide coverage for COVID-19 services without imposing cost-sharing requirements such as co-payments, co-insurance and deductibles. Coplin Health Systems providing COVID-19 services comply with billing requirements as outlined in Section 6001 (a)(1) of the FFCRA that includes aid and reimbursement for COVID-19 testing and healthcare services for uninsured patients through HHS (United States Health and Human Services).
COVID-19 laboratory specimen collection services that may be billed by Coplin Health Systems to insurance plans and issuers or through the HHS could include in addition to collaborating laboratory fees for COVID-19 testing:
Swab collection of testing specimen, CPT (Current Procedures Terminology) code 99000 and HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding Systems) G2023 with a cost of $23.00.
For additional information on pricing, billing, insurance coverage and reimbursement services please refer to the following links:
- https://www.cms.gov/files/document/FFCRA-Part-42-FAQs.pdf
- https://coviduninsuredclaim.linkhealth.com/
- https://makomedical.com/covidhelp/
- https://www.hrsa.gov/CovidUninsuredClaim
- https://www.labcorp.com/coronavirus-disease-covid-19