Heart Health Lab Screening
Join us for a comprehensive wellness event on Wednesday, February 12th, from 7:30 am to 2:00 pm at the Southern Local Wellness Center. For a fee of $45.00, payable in cash, check, or credit card, you can access a series of essential health tests, including Thyroid (TSH), Blood Count/Anemia (CBC), Cholesterol/HDL/LDL/Triglycerides (Lipids), Glucose/Electrolytes (CMP), HgbA1C, and Vitamin D.
Please refrain from eating or drinking for 8 hours prior to testing. Lab results will be promptly mailed to you, allowing you to take them to your primary care doctor for review or schedule an appointment with our Southern Local Wellness Center staff.
Appointments are required. To secure your spot, call 740-949-2348 to schedule an appointment.
Invest in your well-being. We look forward to supporting your journey to a healthier you!